It is Carl Johnson Real Estate’s core value to provide all clients with the best service possible, while giving them the tools to sell their house in the shortest period of time for the most amount of money. These tools vary by client, as no client or house is the same. Carl customizes his Signature Listing Service tools to the individual client and asset that is being liquidated. We will personally curate interior furniture and accessories with a mix of the property owner’s items and Carl’s own collection.
I am proud to announce that Carl has completed the Real Estate Staging Association's staging to sell course and have been designated a Certified Staging Advocate. Do you have a property that I may assist you with positioning it in a place of strength in the market place? To contact Carl, click HERE.
To learn more about my proven "eye for design," click HERE to read a testimonial from a former client. Scroll through the slideshows below to see
It is my pleasure to provide you the best service possible.
I am delighted to help people and provide the level of service they deserve every day. Its an honor to assist my community by volunteering with organizations that give back.